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Casino (TR)

Page history last edited by meisnewbie 16 years ago


Person = P

Multiple Persons = MP

Admin = A

Merc = M

Merc Leader = ML



Rule 1: Once you start a game, you finish it, no forfeiting allowed.

Rule 2: Odds/Evens determines who goes first unless stated otherwise.

Rule 3: If you lose a bet that brings you down to less than 0GP, you will lose Infra equal to the amount lost instead, and be kicked out of the casino. Watch your bets.

Rule 4: You can play each game only twice in a day unless stated otherwise.



Specific details: No limit to player amount.

Bid: 2GP

There's no limit on the amount of players that can play this game, though once a challenge has been issued the game will begin in 20 minutes. Players can post what they're betting on and change it up to that point. A number will be rolled from 0-36 and players will be able to bet in a few different ways:

- Dozen Bets: The player will choose a range of 1-12, 13-24, or 25-36. Should they win, they gain twice the money bid.

- Six Line: The player will choose 6 numbers that go in sequence (eg, 1-6). Should they win, they gain 4 times the money bid.

- Street: The player will choose 3 numbers that go in sequence. Should they win, they'll gain 8 times the money bid.

- Straight Up: The player picks a single number. Should they win, they'll gain 16 times the amount bid.


Russian Roulette

Specific details: Playable only once a day.

Bid: 2-4GP.

You and another merc leader may send a single merc, and the person overviewing the game will have a number selected. Going traditional, an admin rolls a number from 1-6. Each player then posts a number, gets a bang/miss, repeat until somebody's dead. Once killed, we hang on to the dead merc until Results where they're brought back to life. They don't gotta be a part of your team to do this. If you hit the number, you lose.

Payout: 3x bid amount (2-4GP), +1 for the first turn survival, +2 for the second, and +3 for the third. Max amount is 4x3 (win) + 6 (went first, lasted all 3 turns) for 18GP. If you win, your merc comes back brave as can be (not flavor text, their bravery actually increases).



Specific details: Playable against the admins or against other players.

Bid: 3GP -or- 2GP

Needs 3 people to play, though it can be played against each other or against an admin (in either scenario, an admin has to be around). One of the players will be designated the dealer of the match (random if PvP, if it's PvA then it's the admin) and 2 cards will be given to both of you by a third party, 1 will be told in private and 1 will be posted in public (sake of ease, try to get on *some* IM client, IRC, AIM, or Yahoo preferable). For rolling, there will be 13 numbers (2-10, J/Q/K/A), J/Q/K = Worth 10, and A = 1 or 11. Rolling can be done in private via randomizer by the third party -or- in public in a chat by the dealer. Finally, while the dealer will play after the first guy is done, he will be forced to stand at 17 or higher (meaning, can't draw more cards).

There are three ways to auto-win: Get 21 on the first draw (Blackjack) or get 5 cards (the max). Otherwise, whoever gets the most to 21 wins.

Payout: Admin game - 3GP bid, 2x on a win, Blackjack (Ace and another 10 value)/5 card = 3x (max = 9GP on Blackjack/5 card).

Player game - 2GP bid, however you'll win the earnings of your opponent + your own, and the rest of the formula applies (max payout: 12GP). You'll only lose what you bid.



Specific details: Mercs fight.

Bid: Upkeep and/or an item (item accepted by both parties as payment)/4GP (non-participants)


1) These matches must always stay fresh, meaning no match may be repeated, and once a merc has been on exhibition they cannot return until at least 3 days have passed.

2) 1 fighter per team.

3) Dirna doesn't like little oversights or loopholes, and the rules are subject to change accordingly *glare*

Sometimes matches aren't enough and you want to decide who's the better fighter. As a result, you can challenge another merc to see just how good they are. This will be a no items, no abilities fight (Passives are an exception) and both must agree to it. The defender will have 10 minutes to pick terrain, either their own or defaulting to a generic area, and the two mercs will skip Wartime. If he misses his chance to select terrain, all of those will be randomized. Each leader will bid an amount equal to their merc's upkeep for the fight, and on the winner will get 2x of the loser's as reward. The loser however, will not only lose the GP they bid, but their merc will be injured the following day. Other merc leaders are involved in this too in one of two ways:

They can bet on the winner.

They can send a merc of their own to fight.

Bids (bets) on matches can only be done if they occur within 30 minutes of the official declaration done by an admin or terrain choice (whichever's latest), and range from 1-3GP. If there are weird passive abilities that involve randomness, they must only be done AFTER that time, before won't count. Should a leader send their merc to fight they obviously can't bid anymore and the merc/item bid must be accepted by all the leaders for the fight (inversely, they must accept what's already been settled in those before), and no, there is no limit to the amount of fighters apart from 1 per team, and they'll fight in a free for all. The money changes a little bit if there are more than two: You will get 2x of the upkeep of all the enemies you beat (eg, 3 fighters, all upkeep are 3, you get 5, B gets 4, and C gets 2, you'd get (3+3)x2 and B'd get 3x2). If an item is selected as a bid it will only go to the person in first place, subsequent amounts for 2nd and on are based on the upkeep. However this comes with risk: You will have to bid the upkeep x amount of enemy fighters (eg, 3/day, 2 enemies, 6GP bid).

In either case, should a leader do any of the above they'll be unable to vote.



And to clear Dirna up if she's confusing anybody:

Basic formula on the econ:

Bid amount = Upkeep x amount of enemies faced. If 1 enemy, it's just your upkeep. If 2, it's x2, etc.

Payout = 2x enemy upkeep. If you got more than 1 enemy, add them together and x2 the amount.

Items can replace the bid amount if the parties agree. If it's multiple people (eg, a fatal fourway), the 1st place winner gets the item, the 2nd place person and below get the upkeep measurements.


Step 1: Person A chooses Merc X and challenges Person B to a fight who picks Merc Y. Both agree. The upkeep = The bet they place. Alternatively, they can throw items in the mix as a replacement value.

Step 2: Person B selects terrain, either the one attached to the merc there or a generic one. They have 10 minutes to do this after the agreement.

Step 3: Official admin'd.

Step 4: Other merc leaders got 30 minutes to bid or toss their own.

Step 5: If others are tossed in the mix, repeat step 3 and 4 as needed.

Step 6: Match.

Loser gets KO'd. If it's multiple people... well, that's multiple losses, so pick carefully.

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