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Terrains (Test Run)

Page history last edited by meisnewbie 16 years, 1 month ago

Linked Terrains:


Auron - The Dead City - Pyreflies waft through the air in the ruins of Zanarkand, but otherwise there is nothing alive--or undead--in the ancient rubble to interfere with the fight.


Ayla - Spekkio's Arena - A medium-size square platform, fenced in, suspended in eternal nothingness. There is room to maneuver (though not too much), and there is no cover to speak of. It is simple, and direct.


Bowser - Lethal Lava Land - Small islands of rock, connected by thin bridges and pathways, rest over a sea of lava. A small volcano is at the center of it all, with a larger path running around and nearby it. Jets of flame occasionally shoot up from the lava. The brave can attempt shortcuts across platforms that sink with weight, and remember, convection is only a myth!


Donkey Kong - Dragonfly Chamber - A large stone block completely devoid of cover in the middle of a huge cavern filled with lava. The block is very slowly sinking into the lava as the fight goes on.


Marth - Fountain of Dreams - A small floating platform in the air with a few platforms floating above it that rise and fall. Water will occasionally shoot out of the ground, and the platform is covered with a thin layer of water as well.


Meta Knight - The Halberd - Meta Knight's airship is a tangled battlefield of machinery. Air ducts, hangers, engine rooms, and even the reactor core are all places to fight. Brave souls can even move the brawl to the deck of the ship.


Mr Game and Watch - Battlefield - A smallish floating platform in the air with three smaller platforms floating above it.


Richter Belmont - Dracula's Castle - Takes on many forms in the various games, but certain things stay certain: many connected rooms, vertical as well as horizontal movement is required to access all the areas, traps such as falling spikes and spikes pits, an area full of water, a clock tower, a chapel ect. Due to the nature of Dracula's Castle, it is a completely new castle every time, so no one knows what the layout will be besides the basic stuff. The characters cannot leave the castle.


Seifer Almasy - Balamb Garden - The wide halls of Balamb, normally packed with students, are empty in preparation for the coming battle. The entire top parts of the Garden (i.e not NORG's room) are fair game in this fight, so there's plenty of potential for games of cat and mouse.


Travis Touchdown - Main Street - The center of a hustling, bustling metropolis, littered with cars, buildings, and everything you'd expect to see in a city (save pedestrians - they've all been cleared out in advance for the fight).


Walter Sullivan - South Ashfield Heights - The apartment complex Walter Sullivan called home..and...mother. Yeah. The twisted otherworld version, the walls are soaked with blood, the floors have been replaced with grating. The apartments themselves are open (aside from Room 302), providing the only real cover from otherwise straight hallways.



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