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Vehicles and Summons (TR)

Page history last edited by Drakeryn 15 years, 7 months ago

GTA Motorcycle

Price: 7 GP

A non-descript, standard Motorcycle from GTAIV, filled with gas and an AC/DC CD.


Standard Military Jeep

Price: 17 GP

This is a standard jeep used by the military, holding no weapons, and this specific model is open air. Like most jeeps, the biggest perk is their ability to move on many different kinds of terrains.



Price: 25 GP

On purchase, this will be assigned to a merc of your choosing and will function as an additional Start of Battle ability.


Once every four days, <name> may bring a standard M12 Warthog as seen in Halo 3. No, there are no marines or hidden rockets, Wang stole them.


Metal Gear Rex

Price: 75 GP

Rex is in his second Metal Gear Solid form, open cockpit and no radome or nukes (think MGS boss fight). His owner must choose a pilot for him each day, and this pilot will have a minimum of 3 hours of training with Rex, and read the manual. However, should Rex be used two days in a row, mysteriously the pilot will contract nuclear poisoning and be injured until Rex hasn't shown up on the field for a day. (e.g., use Rex Day 1-2. Day 2 Day 1's pilot is sick, Day 2 it's 1 + 2, Day 3 = Rest, Day 4 = fine).

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